Nora Scherer
Ms. Scherer specializes in the fields of program evaluation, performance measurement, supporting innovative environmental programs, and natural resource damage assessment. Her professional experience has focused on assisting clients in identifying and evaluating innovative approaches to environmental policy within and across government agencies. Ms. Scherer has conducted several mixed-method evaluations, collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data, to help clients understand and improve the effectiveness of their programs. She has designed and conducted surveys at a local and national level, which range from small, focus-group administrations, to collections of thousands of in-person interviews. She has extensive experience with questionnaire design, designing and assigning population, sample, treatment and control groups, and effectively managing data collection efforts and analyses. She also has extensive experience designing and implementing on-site surveys to model recreational behavior for human health risk assessments and natural resource damage assessments.
Ms. Scherer holds a B.A. in Economics and Environmental Studies from Macalester College and a Master of Pacific and International Affairs from the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego.