Nadia Martin
Nadia Martin specializes in the assessment of natural resource injuries, restoration planning, and ecological monitoring, particularly in the context of natural resource damage assessments and other similar regulatory frameworks. She has provided technical and management support across a wide range of cases including mining sites, complex legacy hazardous waste sites, inland and coastal oil spills, and catastrophic wildlife assessments. Nadia draws on her expertise in wildlife biology, ecology, spatial analysis, and extensive field experience to provide clients with sound advice to support decision-making. She often works with diverse groups and provides support to Federal, State, and Tribal Trustees at some of the most complex sites in the United States including the Los Alamos National Laboratory in northern New Mexico. Nadia applies her strong science, communication, and organization skills to manage large field and assessment teams, conduct complex injury assessments, and support restoration planning efforts including scaling restoration actions, conducting National Environmental Policy Act analyses, developing monitoring guidance, and evaluating restoration success.
She holds a B.A., summa cum laude, in Wildlife Biology with a minor in Environmental Policy from Ball State University, as well as a Master of Science in Natural Resources and Environment with a focus on Conservation Biology from the University of Michigan.