Leslie Genova
Leslie Genova (she/her) has more than 20 years of consulting experience in environmental policy, planning, and economics. Leslie frequently assists federal agencies, as well as state and tribal governments, with evaluations of environmental and economic impacts of policy and regulatory actions. She is an expert in helping clients navigate compliance with requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Magnuson-Stevens Act, E.O. 12866, the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA), and Executive Orders on regulatory analysis and energy impact analysis.
Leslie has extensive experience managing and overseeing large and complex evaluations of environmental and economic impacts of policy decisions and regulations that guide regulatory and planning decisions at the regional and national scale. For example, for the Army Corps and Bonneville Power Administration, she recently directed an evaluation of socioeconomic impacts of the Columbia River System Operations as part of a large-scale Environmental Impact Statement. She also supported NOAA in developing the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the Programmatic Damage Assessment Restoration Plan (PDARP/PEIS) developed following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. She has analyzed the regional economic impacts of a wide range of activities, including navigation-dependent, river-dependent, and recreation-dependent activities, in various contexts using input-output modeling. She recently built a tool for evaluation of the job effects associated with natural resource restoration spending for a non-governmental organization. Leslie’s work includes supporting clients in all aspects of the regulatory process, including regulatory analysis, public meeting facilitation, public comment analysis and response, and administrative record development. She frequently presents findings of her analyses, which are subject to intense public and legal scrutiny, to federal, state, and local stakeholders.
Leslie holds a B.A. in Earth and Environmental Science from Wesleyan University, and an M.A. in Environmental Studies from Brown University.