Kenneth M. Strzepek
Senior Consultant
Kenneth M. Strzepek, Ph.D. is Emeritus Professor in Water Resources Engineering and Economics at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and is currently Adjunct Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government and Research Scientist at the Joint Program on Climate Change at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ken has over 40 years of experience in integrated water resource management, and is one of the few experts in this area with training in economics, as well as an expertise in climate change impact and adaptation assessment. He is a Lead Author for the IPCC Working Group II assessment of climate impacts for the water sector. In addition, he is a non-resident Senior Research Fellow the United Nations University – World Institute for Development Economics Research. Ken is a recent US Army Corps of Engineers Institute of Water Resources Maass-White Fellow and received the Department of Interior’s Citizen’s Award for Innovation in the applications of Systems Analysis to Water Management.
Ken holds a B.S and M.S. in Civil Engineering from MIT; a Ph.D. in Water Resource Systems from MIT, and M.A. in Economics from the UC/Boulder.