Gail Fricano
Gail Fricano (she/her) specializes in evaluations of marine, coastal, and riverine resources in the context of natural resource damage assessment, restoration, remediation, and regulatory and policy frameworks. She regularly applies her strong science, policy, and communication skills to inform sound decisions among diverse groups of stakeholders. Gail has overseen several multi-year field and laboratory programs and has coordinated large teams of experts and supporting staff on issues such as oil spills, coastal wetland assessments and restoration, and aquatic dredged material disposal. She frequently supports tribes on site remediation, providing third-party technical evaluations of risk assessments, remedial investigations, feasibility studies, and remedial design documents to ensure the protection of tribal interests and natural resources. Gail is the program manager of IEc’s Environmental Services Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contracts with NOAA’s Restoration Center, under which she has provided habitat restoration support across the country for resources and habitats such as coral reefs, seagrass, marine mammals, fish, oysters, coastal wetlands, and deep benthic habitats. Her extensive work in the Gulf of Mexico over a period of more than 10 years has included injury assessment, restoration planning, restoration design, National Environmental Policy Act evaluations, and public outreach associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Gail holds a B.A. in Biology from Williams College and an M.S. in Marine Science from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science/College of William and Mary.