Dan Leistra-Jones
Dan Leistra-Jones has more than 15 years of experience in financial, economic, and policy analysis. His primary focus is on financial analysis in the context of environmental enforcement and litigation, with an additional specialty area in corporate strategy and policy analysis relating to climate change and clean energy. Dan has conducted financial analyses of more than 300 entities, including companies, individuals, government agencies, and not-for-profit organizations, and has been qualified as an expert and testified in federal court on multiple occasions for both bench and jury trials. His expert engagements have addressed violators’ economic benefit from regulatory noncompliance; ability to pay proposed penalties for enforcement actions; just compensation for takings; and issues related to complex corporate organizations, such as fraudulent conveyance, successor liability, and piercing the corporate veil.
In his sustainability work, Dan has supported private clients in assessing the financial implications of energy efficiency projects and renewable energy purchase options; setting emissions reduction targets and designing and implementing carbon reduction strategies; and assessing climate-related business risks and opportunities.
Dan holds a B.A. in Environmental Studies and Music from Amherst College, summa cum laude, and an M.B.A. and M.E.M. from Yale University.