Web Applications for Green Infrastructure and Materials Management

IEc’s ability to channel technical information into accessible, web-based tools is showcased in the Green Infrastructure Wizard (GIWiz) and Materials Management Wizard (MWiz). IEc designed and directed the development of these standalone EPA-hosted web applications, which use cutting-edge graphic design and programming to connect communities to an extensive repository of tools and resources related to green infrastructure and materials management. Both wizards are underpinned by comprehensive datasets of publicly-available and government-sourced resources, providing multiple functional pathways for users to explore content or be guided to the resources most relevant to their situation.
GIWiz and MWiz are designed to support and promote community planning decisions. Through interactive menus, the sites allow users to specify their professional and research interests, and then deliver a set of customized resources tailored to users’ specific needs and interests. For example, a land use planning official can request case studies illustrating the cost and growth impacts of construction best management practices.
Both GIWiz and MWiz provide an array of options for accessing relevant information. The Quick Links pathway facilitates rapid access to tools and resources from a range of categories, including general information, community-specific projects, and ideas for designing and assessing projects. The Explore pathway allows users to combine categories and attributes to filter the inventory of results, providing resources that will help users analyze problems, understand management options, calculate design parameters, and analyze costs and benefits.
View GIWiz Website
View MWiz Website