Fox River Restoration Planning

Historical PCB contamination of surface water and sediment in Wisconsin’s Lower Fox River and Green Bay (Lake Michigan) has adversely affected many species of fish and wildlife. Following a detailed injury assessment, the natural resource Trustees (two Federal agencies, one state, and two tribes) began restoration actions in 2002. In the context of ongoing restoration efforts, IEc recently assisted the Trustees in updating the Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment (RP/EA) for the site. This RP/EA assesses the restoration progress achieved over more than a decade and evaluates how factors such as fluctuating water levels, invasive species, and land use changes necessitated updates to the Trustees’ initial restoration approach and goals. The updated RP/EA examines restoration alternatives in the context of these changing conditions and refocuses funding where it is most beneficial, such as on expanded acquisition and conservation of sensitive wildlife habitats as well as on fisheries enhancements. The Plan also satisfies the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by comparing the restoration alternatives in terms of their environmental consequences and by ensuring public involvement in the restoration process.
Full Report Client U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service