Endangered Species
IEc has two decades of experience analyzing the complex relationships between plant and wildlife species, their habitat requirements, and the ways in which species management interacts with regional economic activity. These analyses require IEc to understand the physical and biological features of habitat essential to a species and how specific human activities may threaten the integrity of that habitat.
IEc has supported species management efforts by clients such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS); Canadian wildlife agencies; state governments; and indigenous and tribal governments. Different clients and authorizing statutes present unique analytic, procedural, and administrative requirements. We tailor our research accordingly, and assist clients with the public review process surrounding species management through outreach, public meetings, and response to comments from stakeholders.
Species management frequently involves analysis of local and regional industries that affect habitat. IEc has assessed the effect of species protection on an array of industries, including real estate development, commercial fishing, forestry, power generation, mining, agriculture, ranching, and recreation.
Project Examples