Committed to Objective Analysis
Objective analysis is the bedrock of IEc’s consulting work. We believe that optimal decisions occur when driven by defensible, honest evidence. We craft analyses with transparent methods, clear presentation, and insightful conclusions. Ultimately, thorough analysis withstands scrutiny and motivates our clients to take action on real-world problems.
Engaged with People and Ideas
Effective consulting is possible only through innovation and collaboration. IEc’s status as a respected firm gives us the freedom to be inventive. We offer clients a fresh perspective on problems, one unfettered by organizational bias or status quo thinking. We combine this creativity with state-of-the-art research, meticulous methods, and technical expertise. At the same time, we pride ourselves on pragmatism; our work balances analytic sophistication with our clients’ budgetary, time, and institutional constraints.
Collaboration, both internal and external, is another key to IEc’s success. Internally, we assemble project teams that leverage the multi-disciplinary strengths of our consulting staff. Project staffing is fluid, allowing us to tailor our efforts to client needs and interests. Likewise, we collaborate closely with our clients in formulating research tasks and final products. Close communication and mutual trust form the foundation of our client relationships. In this atmosphere, ideas flourish and results are achieved.
Providing Diverse Products and Services
The work products we generate are as diverse as our staff and clients. Examples include:
- Written technical reports;
- Briefings and other presentation materials;
- Factsheets and other graphic summaries;
- Training and outreach materials;
- Scholarly articles;
- Computer models; and
- Online and local data management systems.
We tailor all our products to the intended audience and emphasize clarity and accessibility.